Thursday, August 18, 2011

Norms of eating food - The "one-third" rule and other matters...

"Fill the first third of your stomach with solid food, the second third with liquid, and leave the last third free.."
 - Charaka's 1/3rd rule on the "norms of eating food" from his Charaka Samhitha

Apart from the 1/3rd rule, there are certain factors according to Charaka that determine the "appropriateness" or "inappropriateness" of food - mind you, all these factors are postprandial and therefore you will arrive at the right combination of factors that suit you only, after trial and error (and perhaps some suffering - which may actually help to make your will stronger).
After a meal:
  1. There should be no feeling of:
    • heaviness in the belly
    • pain or obstruction in the chest region
    • difficulty in breathing
  2. All normal activities such as walking, talking, standing, sitting, lying down, laughing etc. are effortless.
  3. The senses are satisfied and there is no feeling of lingering hunger or thirst
In addition to the above, Charaka also gives a few general dietetic rules:
  1. Food we eat should be warm as it aids digestion
  2. Sit down to eat only after the previous meal has been completely digested and there is a genuine feeling of hunger
  3. Eat adequately - neither too much nor too less - The 1/3rd rule is a good dietetic rule to follow.
  4. Sit down at an agreeable place and focus only on the food in your plate - Do not talk or laugh while you are eating your food (perhaps we need to add - "Do not watch television")
  5. Neither should you wolf down your food in large gulps, not should you eat so slowly that the food becomes cold and loses its beneficial properties
  6. Subject every morsel of food and "food-type" to the scrutiny of past experience - does it suit me? have I had problems with a particular food or combination of foods in the past?
  7. Food you eat should be as "smooth as oil" so that it passes through the digestive system easily and can:
    • stimulate the digestive fire
    • smoothen the passage of food and prevent constipation
    • Strengthen the body
    • Rejuvenate the sense organs
  8. Finally, one should not eat foods and food-components that are "antagonistic" in nature (Charaka gives a detailed chart of antagonistic food items, that is beyond the scope of this article but suffice to say that your personal experience is your best judge).
"Tell me what you eat, I’ll tell you who you are." - Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

1 comment:

  1. Simple & doable - fight against obesity seems so simple.

